Goodbye 2024, Welcome 2025
To my avid reader ☺️,
I hope you had an exciting holiday relaxing and engaging in activities you love while surrounded by your loved ones. Many thanks for subscribing and sticking with me in 2024, and welcome to 2025! 🥳. May you experience unconditional love, peace of mind and joy.
I have been looking forward to sharing this letter with you, and now, you get to read it! 😊 As part of my tradition, I take some time to graciously reflect on the previous year, considering the goals, challenges, and lessons learned in 2024 – (and boy, did I learn a lot!)
Some of my other takeaways from 2024 are:
- I've gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of being intentional about having a supportive community of friends.
- Self-care isn't just hitting the gym or exercising; it is taking the time to nurture your overall well-being.
- Change is an ongoing process that signifies growth, and setting goals requires commitment and consistency.
- It's important to prioritize healthy boundaries; saying no is perfectly okay—after all, what you allow is what will continue.
- Be thankful for each day because we sometimes forget we are living in the reality of our answered prayers.
- Checking in and paying attention to others is an act of kindness; it shows that you see them, hear them, value them, support them, and, most importantly, love them.
- It involves facing the wrongs done to us, acknowledging our emotions, choosing not to hold them against the person who hurt us, and letting go of revenge and self-pity.
- Water your existing friendships, form meaningful relationships, and take the time to get to know people—they often lead more interesting lives than you realize.
What were your key highlights of 2024? What were your wins and challenges? Have you set any intentions for 2025 yet, or do you plan to take it one day at a time?
I'm genuinely curious about your experiences, so feel free to share! 😊