Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs... where your curious itch gets scratched!

About the blog

How often do you post new content?

I try to publish new content regularly, but the frequency can vary depending on my schedule and inspiration. Generally, you can expect to see new posts weekly. The best way to stay updated is to subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on social media.

What kind of content can I find on Thoughts by Ora?

Thoughts by Ora is a personal blog and my creative outlet. Here, you will find a mix of things that inspire me, from creative writing to beauty, styles and many more.

Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts?

I'm inspired by almost anything and everything! from personal experiences, my environment, and conversations to the music I listen to.


What kind of camera do you use for your photos?

I use my iPhone 15 Pro or Fujifilm X-E4 camera for photos but mostly rely on my mobile phone for everyday moments and spontaneous shots.

What software do you use to edit your photos?

I edit all my photos using Adobe Lightroom's premium version due to its robust features and ease of use across screens.

Can I share your blog posts on social media?

Please do! I encourage you to share my posts on your social media platforms, but please give credit and link back to my blog. It helps spread the word and connect with more like-minded people,

Collaboration and Contributions

Are you open to collaborations or partnerships?

Totally! I'm always open to hearing about new opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals and brands. If you have an idea or proposal, please feel free to reach out via my contact form.

Can I suggest a topic for you to write about?

Of course! I welcome your suggestions and ideas. Your feedback helps me create content that resonates with you and other readers.

Do you take writing prompts or suggestions?

Of course! I love a good writing prompt. Send your suggestions my way, and you might inspire my next blog post!

Still have more questions?

Drop me a message @